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Mental Wellbeing

2024 Mental Wellbeing Feature:
The Healing Power of Practicing Forgive and Forget

I know this to be true for me. If I didn’t let things go and practice forgive and forget myself, I would have missed out on many great moments like these (see pics below). By the same token, if those I love didn’t practice forgive and forget, I would have also missed out on these very same great times. It works both ways. Here are some more great insights from, The Secret of Letting Go by Guy Finley that might inspire you to pick it up and read it for yourself. 

“Letting go takes no strength only the willingness to see the need for it.”

“Letting go is the natural release that always follows the realization that holding on hurts.”

Pages 164 & 165:  I call these pages the T Factor considering the current political environment.

Suffering and The Evil Spell

“Everyone believes that their suffering somehow benefits them. That’s how the spell works. Why else would anyone punish themself with unhappy feelings unless they had been tricked into somehow perceiving self-hurt as self-help.”

“To be angry is to suffer. It doesn’t help anyone to get angry. Anger hurts whoever is angry.”

“If I am doing what I want to do, then how come it hurts me to do it.”

“Suffering doesn’t prove that someone else is wrong. What it does prove is you will go to any lengths, including self-destruction, to prove you are right.”

Take some time to reflect on the above and next time you are faced with a hurtful or unpleasant situation try and ask yourself what it is worth to you to hold onto that hurtful or unpleasant feeling. How long will you let it be present in your life. 1 year, 2 years, 10 years. When will enough time pass to allow yourself to put it behind you? Only you have the control to decide that.
I encourage you to read, The Secret of Letting Go by Guy Finley. It does have a few religious notes but overall it is a book that everyone can take something from, religious or not. Mr. Finley, in my humble opinion, makes some excellent points especially when it comes to dealing with your thoughts and feelings.


Finley, G. (2007). The Secret of Letting Go. Llewellyn Publications. 

Jane the virgin party pic N selfie SR 20
Motorcycle GLP (2) TB.jpg
Nahm Snapper 2018.JPG
Museo Tasting  (2) .jpg
  • Make time for yourself 

    • Exercise​

    • Meditate

    • Enjoy your hobby or try a hobby 

    • Relax

    • Pamper yourself

    • Connect with others

    • Disconnect from stressors

If I am not good to myself, how can I expect anyone else to be good to me?

~Maya Angelou~

Talk to yourself like you would to someone you love.

~Brené Brown

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