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Say What? I have food allergies.

Food allergy sensitivity tests can possibly identify inflammatory foods.

  1. Eggs

  2. Dairy

  3. Cane Sugar

  4. Gluten 

  5. Sesame

  6. Whey

  7. Fruits 

  8. Vegetables

  9. Fish

  10. Nuts

The above are samples of what could be causing inflammation in your body.

Challenge: Try finding prepared foods without dairy, eggs, or cane sugar in them. This is not easy and takes hours of reading labels at the grocery store.

You might have a food allergy and may not know it. I discovered I have food allergies  or may have a food allergy after a nightmare year from hell. The only way this will make sense to you is if I  give you a very brief breakdown of what happened. 


During a trip last year, my husband and I got sick. It was bad enough to force us to a foreign country hospital for tests and obtain antibiotics.   

Upon arriving home and without medical coverage at the time (work transition-related) we were forced to seek out care from a naturopathic doctor because we still were not feeling better. Oddly, I was not as sick as my husband but still wasn't feeling well. A dear friend of mine suggested a while back that I get tested for food allergies. Since my husband was getting every test run under the sun and I reasonably concluded we probably had the same thing, I opted for the food allergy test (approx. Cost $175). Why? Because considering I was the one with an autoimmune disease shouldn't I have been sicker than my husband? Hmmm... Over the past few years, I was slowly discovering foods that made me feel better or worse by journaling the way I felt after I ate or drank certain foods and beverages. You might find this helpful too. In case you are wondering, yes, my food allergy test came back with many high reaction markers.

Note: It may be possible reintroduce foods after a period of time. Talk to your doctor about this further when discussing your results.

Disclosure: You are advised to seek a "qualified licensed medical professionals"  advice before discontinuing any medication or treatment plan your medical professional as prescribed for you.

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