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This blog is opinion based and is intended to be a resource only. 

I created this blog out of a need from a Rheumatoid fighter for other Rheumatoid soldiers. I tried to find a one-stop resource that would provide links and information I found useful and could not find one I liked. I wanted to find one site that I could go to and easily find information on or related to Rheumatoid disease.  I understand that you may choose to visit my site only once. Still, my goal was to save you the time, effort, and energy it takes to find the latest information on Rheumatoid Disease and inflammation (because the newest data says inflammation is our body's red flag). If I do that for you, then I've achieved my goal with this site. Not only did I want to make a blog that may be useful to every rheumatoid fighter (including those not on social media), I also wanted to provide a sliver of light in the darkness that can sometimes be a factor when dealing with this awful disease. I didn't start this site to make money, I started it because I needed a resource I liked, and I could not find one. I'm not gaslighting anyone or whatever else, I need help with this website, so if things are imperfect, it's because I am juggling other things.

My mission and this website's mission are to:

  • To make finding useful information and resources on Rheumatoid Disease easy and efficient.

  • To be the #1 Rheumatoid Disease one stop shop for all Rheumatoid related information.

  • To be the #1 resource for food, products, and events for all things Rheumatoid related.

  • To provide up-to-date information on news related to Rheumatoid Disease.

  • To empower Rheumatoid Sufferers to discover what works for them.

  • Please visit my Facebook page for the latest information.

GTP_1550-Cropped-ForWeb LPSRBlogPic.jpg

Photography by: Glynns Thomas Photography Visit her site here.

Outfit purchased @ Banana Republic 


Website Wishlist Goal:

This is what I want to eventually be able to provide with your support on this site. Why? Because if you have ever been hit hard with the flu you would be able to relate to the value of being able to access these services.

  • To be able to offer Rheumatoid fighters and their families helpful services such as gift certificates to housecleaning services or other home care need services. 

  • To be able to offer Rheumatoid fighters funds to go towards seeing  a medical provider of their choice.

  • To be able to offer Rheumatoid fighters and their families a gift subscription to a healthy ready made meal kit food delivery service of their choice. (Like Daily Harvest,Green Chef or  Purple Carrot)

  • To be able to offer Rheumatoid Fighters gift certificates to spa facilities or health clubs. *Saunas and sweating help the body remove harmful toxins from the body.

What inspired the wish list above? The lack of it. Fancy dinners and events are great if you can afford to attend them, but what about those that can't? Sure, other sites offer information on where to find services and events like mine. Still, none offer anything like a direct benefit from the millions raised to go directly into the hands and lives of Rheumatoid fighters.

When the most well-respected professionals in science tell us what we need to do to those afflicted with a disease, why aren't funds being employed in the direction? I want to try and change that. I want people to heal and return to their best health. I can't do this without your support. I was hoping you could follow me and support me to try and raise capital so I can make the above wish list a reality for Rheumatoid sufferers. I need people with the skills to help me make this happen by working with me on this mission. If you see value in my wish list above, email me to see how you can help me make this a reality for your community and fellow Rheumatoid fighters.

*Update 2.28.24: I am not raising money or accepting donations at this time. 



Lidia Page

Simply Rheumatoid

About Me: According to personality tests I've taken while employed at a large brokerage firm, I'm a Learner/Achiever. After my Rheumatoid Diagnosis, I decided to take a deep dive into learning about Rheumatoid and inflammation by educating myself on everything connected to Rheumatoid Disease. Through my journey, I discovered it could be time-consuming and frustrating to find relevant information in one place. Understandably, I attribute much of this to the need for profit. Initially, when I decided to pursue this endeavor, I wanted to save people time. Still, the more I thought about Rheumatoid Disease sufferers' needs, I thought about what I could offer to make our lives better besides just providing information in one place.

For this reason, I have my website wish list above, and I need your help and support to make that happen. While I applaud everyone's efforts in raising awareness for Rheumatoid Disease and Rheumatoid Arthritis, I believe we can do better in serving the needs of those afflicted with Rheumatoid Disease right now. My mom always says, "It takes time to heal," and as we learn from all the top medical professionals, that is true. It takes time to discover what ails you.  It takes time to heal or rebuild a healthy mind and immune system. It takes time to rebuild your life and reimagine your future. I believe healthcare is a human right. I achieved "technical remission," and I think others can too.

Thank you to Glynns Thomas Photography for my picture for this site. 

Thank you Grammarly Premium for fixing my comma issues.  

*My Impossible Personal Wishlist:

#1. To have the following individuals do a Water Aerobics Campaign for Rheumatoid Disease: Oprah Winfrey & Stedman GrahamFormer President Barack Obama and Former First Lady Michelle Obama (because I loved Michelle's Let's Move initiative), Sebastian Rulli and Angelique Boyer, Kathleen Turner, Jamie Camil, Gina Rodriguez, AdeleGal Gadot, Alyssa Milano, J.k. Rowling, Melinda and Bill Gates, Kevin Costner, Rihanna, George and Amal Clooney, Elzabeth Blackurn, PhD, Elissa Epel, PhDSofia Vergara and Joe Manganiello, Henry Golding, The Dallas Cowboys, Dwayne Johnson, Awkwafina, Khalid,  Claire Danes, Christina Aguilera, Luis Miguel, David Hyde Pierce, Demi LovatoEnrique Iglesias and Taylor Swift just to name a few. I could add to this but it's the "impossible list" so I'll spare you. 

#2. To have a Hallmark Holiday movie made where the star battles Rheumatoid Disease and still finds love while contributing to the community. *Latin Stars and story line please and in English and Spanish. I love Hallmark channel movies too.

#3. To be a contributor to Dr. Hyman's next project. 

#4. To be on Super Soul Sunday with Oprah 

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Thank you for your support!

Facts and Questions:

Is this a Vegan website?

­No, Simply Rheumatoid believes in a balanced, healthy lifestyle that is inclusive of the occasional splurge or indulgence. Simply Rheumatoid believes the foundation of good health is inclusive of mind, body and soul. Additionally, sometimes life circumstances and situations arise that can not be avoided or helped and Simply Rheumatoid believes that flexibility, adaptation, acceptance, and compromises are sometimes necessary and are unavoidable.

­Do you read all the books on your website?

I have read many of them and I will state which one I have and haven’t read.

­Are you affiliated with the Arthritis Foundation?

­No, I am not affiliated with the Arthritis Foundation but I do support some of their efforts to raise awareness for Rheumatoid Arthritis.

­Do you own any of the Stocks on your website?

­If I do choose to purchase any of the stocks on my site, I will state that I own it in my portfolio. For example, I do own Proctor & Gamble (not listed on my site). If I were someday to purchase a pharmaceutical stock I would have to disclose that on the page where that information is referenced on my site and in my disclosures.

­Are you a paid endorser for every product and service on your site?

­No, I am not currently a paid product endorser for every product and service on my site. I will disclose which products and services (if any) I would receive a compensation from if and when that should arise. It is the intention of Simply Rheumatoid to find products and services that appeal to a wide variety of people and their interests and not just our personal preference. I am a paid affiliate for IMAWARE AT HOME TESTING KITS for RA as of 5.14.19.

 Are you a Licensed Medical Professional?

 No, I am not a Licensed Medical Professional. You are encouraged to speak with a qualified Licensed Medical Professional of your choosing regarding the information referenced on this site.

 Are you a Licensed Financial Advisor?

 No, I am not currently a Licensed Financial Advisor. You are encouraged to speak with a qualified Licensed Financial Advisor of your choosing regarding the information referenced on this site.

 Retrieved From Investopedia: What is a 'Prospectus'

 A Prospectus is a formal legal document that is required by and filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) that provides details about an investment offering for sale to the public. The preliminary prospectus is the first offering document provided by a security issuer and includes most of the details of the business and transaction in question; the final prospectus, containing finalized background information including such details as the exact number of shares/certificates issued and the precise offering price, is printed after the deal has been made effective. In the case of mutual funds, a fund prospectus contains details on its objectives, investment strategies, risks, performance, distribution policy, fees and expenses, and fund management.

 Read more: Prospectus

 Why do you see value in a Rheumatoid Fighter reading a Stock prospectus?

­Embedded in the prospectus is information on a drugs performance, risks, and results. Research and Development information could also be found in the prospectus along with other important financial disclosures.

 Are all of the recipes, beverages and products featured on your site Vegan or allergy friendly?

­No, I will from time to time feature recipes and other items that are not skewed solely to our dietary wants and needs. As mentioned above Simply Rheumatoid believes in a balanced lifestyle which sometimes includes splurges and indulgences. Moreover, sometimes we must adapt to a particular situation, or cater to others needs, that’s life. This site is not about depriving oneself of anything, it is a resource for Rheumatoid fighters and their friends and family to share together.

Are the pictures on my site mine?

Yes, most of the pictures on this site and its affiliated sites are my personal pictures or free from the website provider I am using. 

By reading this website, you acknowledge that you are responsible for your own health decisions. Do not take anything from any website, including this one, and try it without proper research and medical supervision.

Any statements or claims about the possible health benefits offered by any foods or supplements have not been evaluated by the Food & Drug Administration (FDA) and are not intended to diagnose, treat, prevent or cure any disease. Simply Rheumatoid reserves the right to change, edit, remove the information, products, services, website links, pictures or any other content on this site for any reason at any time.

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